Comments (57)
An odd thing occurred while playing and I am not sure what to call it. It is not a bug, and it does not fell right to call it a glitch. Basically somepony was killed by multiple killers. Once by the veteran and spell caster and the other by the spell caster and Pikamena. I can just imagine how that went. Trixie "Pinkamena what are you doing here?" Pinkamena "I'm going to make cupcakes with Pony Horse. What about you?" Trixie "Trixie has been sent to kill Pony Horse." Pinkamena "Why don't we make cupcakes first, then you kill them?" Trixie "Whatever as long as they are dead by sunrise. Our leader thinks Pony Horse is evil and needs to be killed, and being great and powerful as Trixie is they will not live to see another day." Later that evening. Trixie "Was torturing them really necessary?" Pinkamena "Of course not, it was just sooo much fun☺!" Trixie "How did you know that Pony Horse was a changeling?" Pinkamena "They were a changeling?! Then what explains this cutie mark?"
Do you plan to update the PC version too? I'd like to play this on the PC with multiplayer
Not going to lie I went into this game ready to make fun of it thinking it was another RPG Maker "horror" game but darn if I was wrong. I would love to see some updates to this like multiplayer, some other screen sizes and maybe more story and I think this could be a huge hit. Seriously surprised how much I love this game. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILTBy48aEA0
Will you ever update the PC Pinkamanea version to the android version, or is this PC version long forgotten?
That moment when you (unknowing) send the spellcaster to kill themself and you find them hung in the morning.
"Pinkamena" is a single-player game based on the popular "Mafia" genre of games, such as Town of Salem or Werewolf.
You are Captain Silvermane, sent to a quiet little pony town by the Princess of the Sun herself to investigate reports of dark magic and murder.
On arrival you find only a handful of terrified ponies remain. Among the innocent townsponies is a murderous gang of Changelings who have assumed pony form and are now working together to drain the innocents of their love to feed their insatiable Queen. This process is fatal to the ponies, of course.
Bad as that is, you immediately realise there is an even worse threat in the town, an unstoppable force who will murder Pony and Changeling alike.
Please note that this game is a parody of the My Little Pony franchise. No canon images are used and all character names and images are randomly generated.
Features <<
Turn based grimdark strategy game - use the abilities of the remaining townsponies to uncover and execute the evil changelings and stop Pinkamena.
Enemy AI - the Changelings will actively try to uncover the roles of the townsponies, eliminate the greatest threats and avoid danger if they can.
Atmospheric graphics, music and sound.
The character's names, roles and avatars are randomly generated every game - no two games are ever alike!