Comments (25)
Super nice game! I included it in part 10 of my Lowrezjam compilation video series! youtu.be/g5uCAOYccbw
is this game made to be like harvestmoon game but in pixels?
fun little game!
nothing happens? it only says download soundtracks...
no screen to play download sing or quickplay?
Game Soundtrack
A New Morning (title music hearable in next update)
Sitelocks are not working anymore for me and I crashed the project file, unfortunately the game can only be played here:
Update: 10.08.14
The game has an end now. You can marry the blonde girl, if you get all available upgrades. She will make the animals more efficient (unlimited milk, more eggs)
Update: 07.07.14
2 separated inventory screens for the equipment and the collected items, 2 chests
Better help, animations and hints
Added 2 custom music
Press the End button to go to the main screen, to check the help or load the previous stats (progress will not be saved, so be sure to sleep before pressing the button)
This is my entry for the lowrezjam 2014. This game is a simple 2d version of a game similar to harvest moon.
The goal of the game will be to become a wealthy farmer with animals and all upgrades and maybe marry.
Game development footage can be seen here: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiA3MsWrv-VTJLOtjfmRbMw
Here comes my entry. The game is playable to 100% but it lacks some minor features that I couldn't finish in the timeline.
There was no time to create a better help screen with all the information in this pre-jam version. Also the game lacks a goal (marry a girl) and also music and sounds are missing, and planned eye candies. Sorry for that. I'll add these features in the post-jam version in the next days and share the link to the update. The pre-jam version remains here until the jam is over to see the differences.
Missing features:
eye candy animals (bees, birds)
particle effects during work or during a power up
ambient graphics (like sunray)
custom music (title music added) & sound
Only the arrow keys are needed.
Down to buy items
Down to sleep
Down to fish
Up to ride, up again to dismount
Down to enter a house
Up in front of cupboard inside player house to enter menu.
Down to get water from the well
Down in front of soil to plow, to use a seed and to water the plants
Here is a list of the game items, including prize and effect.
hoe1, 0 gold, 4 sec of work
hoe2, 20 gold, 3 sec of work
hoe3, 50 gold, 2 sec of work
hoe4, 100 gold, 1 sec of work
rod1, 0 gold, 4 sec of work
rod2, 20 gold, 3 sec of work
rod3, 50 gold, 2 sec of work
rod4, 100 gold, 1 sec of work
cow, 50 gold, after morning 1 milk available
chicken 1, 25 gold, every 20 sec 1 egg available
chicken 2, 25 gold, every 20 sec 1 egg available
horse, 100 gold, 3x faster movement while riding
wheat, 2 gold, sellable or tradeable
corn, 4 gold (seed cost 10), sellable or tradeable
carot, 6 gold (seed cost 15), sellable or tradeable
radish, 8 gold (seed cost 20), sellable
onion, 10 gold (seed cost 25), sellable
bean, 12 gold (seed cost 30), sellable
tomatoe, 14 gold (seed cost 35), sellable
pumpkin, 16 gold (seed cost 40), sellable
milk, 10 gold, sellable
egg, 4 gold, sellable
fish, 4 gold, sellable
Power up potions:
energy potion, (trade 3 wheat, 2 corn, 1 carot), 5 minutes infinite energy effect
water potion, (trade 2 wheat, 1 corn, 3 carot), 5 minutes infinite water effect
speed potion, (trade 1 wheat, 3 corn, 2 carot), 5 minutes double walking speed
Es wird mit den Pfeiltasten gespielt.
Nach unten drücken um Gegenstände zu kaufen
Nach unten drücken um schlafen zu gehen
Nach unten drücken um zu fischen
Nach oben drücken um zu reiten, erneut nach oben um wieder abzusitzen
Nach unten drücken um ein Haus zu betreten
Nach oben drücken vor dem Schrank im eigenen Haus, um das Auswahlmenü zu öffnen. Im Auswahlmenü nach Links/Rechts drücken um die gekauften Samen auszuwählen
Nach unten drücken um vor dem Brunnen Wasser zu erhalten.
Nach unten drücken vor der Erde um zu hacken, Samen einzusetzen und die Pflanzen zu wässern.
Es folgt eine Liste mit den Gegenständen die erworben werden können, inklusive Preis und Effekt.
Hacke1, 0 Gold, 4 Sekunden Arbeitszeit
Hacke2, 20 Gold, 3 Sekunden Arbeitszeit
Hacke3, 50 Gold, 2 Sekunden Arbeitszeit
Hacke4, 100 Gold, 1 Sekunde Arbeitszeit
Angel1, 0 Gold, 4 Sekunden Arbeitszeit
Angel2, 20 Gold, 3 Sekunden Arbeitszeit
Angel3, 50 Gold, 2 Sekunden Arbeitszeit
Angel4, 100 Gold, 1 Sekunde Arbeitszeit
Kuh, 50 Gold, 1 Milch nach dem Melken nach jedem Morgen
Huhn 1, 25 Gold, alle 20 Sekunden 1 Ei
Huhn 2, 25 Gold, alle 20 Sekunden 1 Ei
Pferd, 100 Gold, 3x schnellere Bewegung
Gegenstände und Pflanzen:
Getreide, 2 Gold, Zum Verkaufen oder eintauschen
Mais, 4 Gold (Samen kostet 10 Gold), Zum Verkaufen oder eintauschen
Möhre, 6 Gold (Samen kostet 15 Gold), Zum Verkaufen oder eintauschen
Radieschen, 8 Gold (Samen kostet 20 Gold), Zum Verkaufen
Zwiebel, 10 Gold (Samen kostet 25 Gold), Zum Verkaufen
Bohne, 12 Gold (Samen kostet 30 Gold), Zum Verkaufen
Tomate, 14 Gold (Samen kostet 35 Gold), Zum Verkaufen
Kürbis, 16 Gold (Samen kostet 40 Gold), Zum Verkaufen
Milch, 10 Gold, Zum Verkaufen
Ei, 4 Gold, Zum Verkaufen
Fisch, 4 Gold, Zum Verkaufen
Energietrank, (Tausche 3 Getreide, 2 Mais, 1 Möhre), 5 Minutes unendlich Energie
Wassertrank, (Tausche 2 Getreide, 1 Mais, 3 Möhre), 5 Minutes unendlich Wasser
Energietrank, (Tausche 1 Getreide, 3 Mais, 2 Möhre), 5 Minutes doppelte Laufgeschwindigkeit