
Comments (5)

What do you think?

I don't understand the purpose of this game. For exploration, the map ends on wall on far right side IOW the map is short. For defense, the map is too wide not to mention it's not fun checking every part of the map to kill enemies

I really like the weird art style :)

The enemies is a pain in the a** though :P When it's so close to the ground, it's nearly impossible to hit it. The enemy has way to much health in the beginning. And i get randomly damaged without knowing why.

Better enemies, and i think it could be interesting :)

really cute! nice job doood!


Planet of the Elements

Version: 1.0.0about 10 years ago

Planet of the Elements is a Sideshooter game. Currently there are 20 different Items, like Rud Bell or Penetrator, 5 different Weapons and 2 different Enemies.

This game was made for the 6th Game++ Community Challenge of Lets GameDev

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