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A Pokémon game inspired by Tales Of The World Radiant Mythology. Have you ever wondered about 4 Pokémon battling for you in a single battle? In PWRM, There are a ton of quests and a heavy storyline.
MeteorTail Website


  • A load of Quests

  • Over 20 Playable Pokémon

  • 5 Pokémon per Battle

  • Tales Games Battle System

  • Characters from various MT games.


			You been found by a pink haired girl named Tenshin but has no memories about the past. You been brought to Radiant Elite  and stayed with the team and doing quests. Without knowing, Your memories are slightly comming back to you...

30% Chartacter (There more chartacter.)
15% Storyline
10% Attack Animated(Only4MA)
15% Musics

Lead: Red
Story: Red, Mawile
Musicians: Red
Programers: Red, Mawile
Spriters: Mawile



Project Hiatus