
Comments (107)

What do you think?

Plan on leaking the old lewd copy of the game sometime?

you left in the debug weapon lol

When is Version 5.2 of Pony F***ing Tropolis coming out Pinkiamena666?

i found a really wierd glitch on the 4th floor. if i go into one of the first side rooms i get moved to the third floor, i havent found rarity's sister yet whitchs is how i found the glitch. but if i go down the hallway and do the same im now on the second floor. also putting the derpy patch in the patch folder didn't fix that glitch.

Like why does this game exist

Changelings have overrun the Elementals' hotel and Twilight must beat the sh*t out of them. But they aren't alone. Aiding the Changelings are a variety of enemies such as Trixie, Gilda, Surprise, and more!

Inspired by: Sable Lynn & Joshua Shaw (Five Nights at F--kboy's)
& Hudomi (My Little F--king Pony)
Based on: Grand Theft Auto: Ponytropolis, my fic series on FIMFiction.Net


  • Largest MLG Game to Date - 3 Parts, 5+ floors, 16 rooms per floor plus hallways and outside and bonus stages with new characters and new locations!

  • No Playthrough is the Same - Numerous random number generators make sure no player plays the same way. The shop ponies (Vinyl, Octavia, and Candy) appear in different locations in each game, room decorations change, and item pick-up locations change as well. ADDITIONALLY: Should this game get a playthrough on YouTube, you will NOT be able to use the same code to unlock the bonus stages like in MLFP or FNAFB. A random number generator will give each player a different 8-digit code. Beat the game to get it.

  • Smoke and Drink Like Crazy! - Use alcohol, energy drinks, and drugs to boost your abilities!

  • Text-To-Speech Dialogue - Tons of humorous side conversations and dialogue, each voiced by IVONA Text-To-Speech!


  • Dialogue for Gilda, Iron Will, Sunset Shimmer, and Starlight Glimmer.

  • More skills!

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Alcohol Use
Drug Use
Tobacco Use
Suggestive Themes
Strong Language
Crass Humor

So, I've been thinking about enemy balancing wrong. Since each pony attacks one at a time, and the only big change is party members, the only thing I really need to balance is enemy health. Hopefully this realization will bring another big update soon.

v0.5.2 out now!

I'm releasing a 0.5.2 build that should fix the recently discovered bugs. As always, let me know in the comments if you find more. NOTE that I did not fully playtest this build. All I know is that you should be able to face Chrysalis now.

4th Floor Derpy Bug Fix

The bug should be fixed and the patch is available for download!

v0.5.1 Out Now! (I Finally Fixed the "Can't Escape" Bug!)

v0.5 Out Now

v0.5 LiveStream on YouTube

v0.5 Coming Soon (For Reals)

Finally, Some Progress

The Issue That's Holding Up Development