Comments (6)
the gameplay was enjoyable, i wish there was more content
Lovely graphics, wish there was more! I included it in a compilation video series of the games from this jam, if you’d like to check it out :)

Too bad it's not finished
Prince Pickle rescue team
You're princess Tomato and you must save prince Pickel who has been kidnapped by the evil Orange Von McCarrot.
Go in your tomato ship to fight the servants of McCarrot and save the prince !
[! NOTE !] : Don't wait after the first enemy wave, there will not be an other, yeah completion time is almost 5s, have fun !
Game made during the #badboxart challenge.
Infortunately didn't get much time to work on this projet (timezone :'( ), all the core mechanics I wanted to try are here (movement pattern and extensibility of the code). Now it needs a real artist and content !
All graphical assets and FX have been created during the jam with Asesprite, Gimp and BFXR.
Music is from SketchyLogic (CC0 license)