
Comments (9)

What do you think?

The cringe is unreal.

Princesses do not fart!

I like weird games, and I was curious about what would happen next, but for some reason I can't keep playing after the alien. Keyboard doesn't respond.

I don't get it at all, I'm stuck on the bear, and I don't get it...

Princess Fart is not any kind of princess. She is kind hearted, brave, and she farts! Oh yes, she farts, and she must use her power. On a quest to find and save her grandma, she will encounter lots of dangers.

In this is a platform / adventure game, you are a princess.

This game was produced for Ludum Dare 29: Beneath the surface.


Arrow keys - Move
Down - Interact
Space - Fart

Ludum Dare entry:

#dobuki #webgame #ldjam


Released my LD29 entry