
Comments (1)

What do you think?

hmmm. . not much to say here really. I like the idea of players exploring like the good ol'days of gaming. The graphics aren't bad either (for the most part) As a fellow GM:S developer, I 'd say it isn't half bad. Although the game over screen and menu transition to the main game is way to slow. It might be my ADD but it was killing me.

So far i'd give it 3/5 for now

Sometime in the near future, mankind explores the Angry Red Planet. One lone surveyor discovers a lost world that quickly becomes hostile to his presence. Will he become lost forever in this underground labyrinth? Or will he illuminate hidden answers that have yet to be answered about Mars?

Controls for alpha releases:
Arrow Keys Move
A jumps
D fires the selected weapon
W opens menu
S selects a weapon
S saves when at a computer
S selects in the title screen
S restarts the game should the player get a game over
P instakills the player(testing)

Game is inspired by some old sci-fi radio dramas, Metroid, and Castlevania. There is no in-game dialogue at present. I somewhat like that as I remember many NES games just throwing the player into the fray which let's the player form his or her own plot.

This alpha demo features several rooms, enemies, and even a couple original boss fights!

Always looking for feedback! credited for music(used as placeholder for now, but I really enjoy the selection I included) .

I apologize if the red bothers you or if the art is not to your liking. I am not an artist. Other than some CC-O tiles, everything else was made by me.

Tools used:
GM:S Pro


Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
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