
Comments (13)

What do you think?

I am so happy PS doesn't have a Sans fight, thank god. But uh cool fight I suppose. Pretty good recreation of the overworld! Makes me wish the game was also in 60fps

attacks break toward the end. 5/10 just feels like ts swap but outertale could've def have a different ability 👍

Game Soundtrack

2 songs

This game was made in one week for a cyf challenge lmao, but I plan to continue working on it a bit for bug fixes and maybe more content but that's it, I don't plan to do more than the sans fight since PS!Outertale will have it covered on full release.

Btw, play PS!Outertale before this or else you won't understand what's going on: by @spacey_432

Remember, this game wouldn't exist without @Litenek making the challenge so shoutouts to him aswell as @Frankfro66 because I wouldn't be so good at coding without him and I wouldn't have done the game without Litenek's challenge!


Undertale by Toby Fox

Ps!Outertale by @spacey_432

Outertale Sans Sprites by Addicted2Electronics

Silverlight v2 by Ssgt. Frost

Silverlight Commission by Lunaxis

Mild Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Language
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