
Comments (2)

What do you think?

Sadly, I was not able to play this at all. I downloaded it and the file wouldn't complete the extraction. I tried various ways but the file was corrupted. Downloaded it again but still can't open it. I wanted to give an honest review, but this was all I could for now.


PseudoSanity (Old)

Version: 0.0.3about 1 year ago




Depois de 20 anos sem ouvir nada sobre seu pai, John Bush recebe uma misteriosa carta, o convidando para uma velha fábrica de fantasias abandonada. Já que essa mesma fábrica pertencia a ele antes de seu desaparecimento, John aceita o convite e começa a explorar.

Noite dos mascotes é um jogo de terror do gênero mascot horror que foca em uma gameplay intensa, onde se deve constantemente desviar de várias aberrações fantasiadas para continuar vivo.




After 20 years with no news about his dad, John Bush receives an mysterious letter, invinting him to an old abandoned costume factory. Since this same factory belonged to his father before the dissapearence, John accepts the invitation and start exploring.

Night of the mascots is a mascot horror game focused on an intense gameplay, where you constantly avoid many freakish beasts to stay alive.

#horror #retro

Cartoon Violence
Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans
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