
Comments (41)

What do you think?

Es el mejor juego del mundo

espero que vayan a hacer mas mapas en el juego pero tiene lo suyo

Feel free to leave a comment! All criticisms will be taken into consideration during the development process.

mis amigos y yo siempre jugamos,y cuando muere uno le toca al otro a jugar,seria genial si agregaran un modo para al menos 4 personas de forma local y por internet,la opcion de cambiar los controles y un modo historia tal vez...

ive been playing this game literally daily, so addicting. one thing i would like to add tho, maybe endless mode (like what it is now) and like a challenge mode (ex. able to save your game and pick up later going to lets say wave 150??) ? anyway this game is amazing


Pulseless is an arcade-style, top down shooter; with elements from a variety of classic survival games. The game mainly centers around its wave-based horde-mode experience, sound design in the style of classic arcade games and split screen multiplayer. Additionally, the arena features elements of procedural-generation; meaning that every play-through takes place in a new arena. How long will you last?


Pulseless features 50 unique weapons; all with their own special quirks and gimmicks. Some fire incendiary rounds, setting enemies ablaze; whilst others fire toxic sludge, causing enemies to become more vulnerable to damage.

Each weapon has their own, sometimes weird, niche; and its up to you to find out how to make the best use of them.


Pulseless also features a variety of enemy types, each providing a unique challenge when introduced into your run. There are enemies like the 'Pacer'; that runs ahead of the horde; shattering any bullets before they can harm the others.

Each enemy, although providing a challenge, has its own weaknesses and counter-strategies; and its your job to figure them out.


Ever wanted to drag a friend into the fray? Well now you can!.. kind of.

Pulseless also features full split-screen support for up to 2 players, allowing you to drag some poor lucky soul into the action with you.


Lastly, the game also features two alternate control schemes: an arcade inspired scheme and a generic top-down shooter scheme. These are only available when playing single-player.

Thanks for reading, feel free to give Pulseless a play!

#arcade #multiplayer #shooter #action #survival #retro #other #hordemode #topdown #arcadeshooter #shooter #roguelike

Intense Cartoon Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Crass Humor

Hello Everyone!!

Its done! The final version of Pulseless is now available to download! Thanks so much for following my progress on this project; I look forward to starting some new ones real soon!

A lot has changed since I last shared some game-play. I've implemented a second control scheme which is more similar to most top-down shooters (only available in single-player) as well as a tactical roll (honestly my favorite addition).

More to come soon!


Quick Update:

So yeah, the weapons are taking longer than I thought to implement; I'm trying to add some form of unique feature to each one besides a damage boost.

I've finished designing them all, I'm just getting into coding the last few.

Almost Done!

Tier 4 Weapons DEVLOG

Here are the 6 new additions:

The "Raptor" Shredder Rifle

The "Punishers" Dual Shotguns


The "IMPROV" Interdimensional Junk Launcher

The "PULS-R" Energy Pistol

The "DIXON" Explosive Crossbow

Stay tuned for more!


Sorry for the radio silence, there have been a few roadblocks preventing me from releasing the new version; it should be finished and out by sometime next month.

Thanks for your patience, I can't wait to show you what I've created.



So it's been a while since I've released any info regarding the next version (mainly because the workload).

It should be ready soon, but there are still many things to implement and polish up before it is ready.

Thanks for reading,


Devlog Week 7 & 8 - Future Plans 2

So yeah, there is going to be some radio silence whilst I finish up the pre-release. But below you can find all the planned pre-release features.

Thanks for reading this, I'll release the new version soon.

Devlog Week 6 - Future Plans

I have finished polishing up the game, now I'm back to working on the additions to the weapon tiers.

In addition to this, next week I will reveal the next big addition to the game's features... stay tuned ;)

Changes are Below

Devlog: Week 5 - The Great Polish 2

Adding new weapons has proven a long process. So in the meantime, I have been also polishing up the rest of the game.

v A full list of additions and refinements can be found below v

Next Week this will probably be done.

Devlog: Week 4 - The Great Polish

This may take another week to finish, but I'm mainly going through all the game's systems and improving them or adding to them.

Thanks for your patience, I'll have a full changes and improvements list out next week.