
Comments (2)

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Congrats on a new game, keep it up!


PyFighter Space

Version: 0.4.0over 7 years ago
Fourth official build includes: - Difficulty Setting - Pausing with escape

PyFighter Space experimental resolution update

Version: 0.4.1over 7 years ago
Experimental resizing of in-game features and game window based on resolution

A simple space shooter.

Controls: WASD to move, space to shoot (hold to charge a shot)

Music Credit:
"Broken Reality"
Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Music is NOT copyright protected under my Intellectual Property, but under Creative Commons.

Mild Fantasy Violence

Experimental Update

Added a new release for people to test the new resolution accommodating update.

The game window will now size itself based on resolution, as well as the in-game features.

Up-coming Features

Noticed an issue with the images overlapping

Fixed it :D

Third Official Build is out!

I should probably stop for today

Added a bar that shows the charge of your weapon. Heat of your weapon is also linked to the bar, but in a different way than the charge.