Quick description
RabbitREMIX is an arcade game with bunnies and mushrooms and stuff (if you think of it, a lot of things does not make sense in this game, but hey, it's a game, after all). I created it to demonstrate the software renderer I had written in C.
Includes online leaderboard (not Game Jolt one, though, since I wanted to write my own. For reasons.)
Version info:
Current version: 0.91. Missing features: Music.
Left/right arrow: Move
Down arrow: Quick fall
Z (on air, press): Double/"air" jump
Z (hold after air jump): Flip your ears
X (press): Shoot a bullet
X (hold and release): Shoot a giant bullet
Space: Self-destruct. Having at least two bars full in the star meter gives you an extra life. Use this strike to gain a lot of points
Enter: Pause
Xinput gamepads (you know, Xbox pads and the cheap copies of them) are supported. Use thumbstick or dpad for movement, A for (air) jumping, B for shooting, LB (the left shoulder button) for self-destruct
Known bugs
Floating point exception happens sometimes, crashing the game. Probably caused by division by zero (or "A mod 0" for some integer A, which is basically the same thing)
Sometimes sound effects stop too early or are not played at all
On some Windows devices the fullscreen mode does not work properly, that is a portion of the game window is located behind the taskbar
Source code on Github:
#arcade #shooter #softwarerendered #bunny #bunnies #rabbit #rabbits #bananas #hard #retro #leaderboard