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PtBr:Esse jogo será a continuação do remake do meu jogo antigo,o nome do novo jogo é Radioactive Asteroids Vertz,será na vertical,mas ainda sim um shooter

Nota Importante:O Windows vai achar que é virus e te impedir do download,mas é só vc permitir que fica td bem

English:This game will be the continuation of the remake of my old game, the name of the new game is Radioactive Asteroids Vertz, it will be vertical, but still a shooter

Important note: Windows will think it's a virus and will prevent you from downloading, but you just allow it and that's fine

#shooter #arcade #retro


Ok,o jogo saiu ontem,a maior pontuação dele foi registrada pelo meu pai com 645 pontos,agora,eu quero que alguém consiga uma pontuação maior que está,se quiser publicala,se torne meu amigo e tire uma print,para eu contabilizar

Ok, the game came out yesterday, his highest score was recorded by my father with 645 points, now I want someone to get a higher score than it is, if you want to publish it, become my friend and take a screenshot, so I can count



English:Today at 2:30 pm, my game Radioactive Asteroids Vertz will be released, so wait, as this game is amazing!

PtBr:Hoje ás 14:30,será lançado o meu jogo Radioactive Asteroids Vertz,então aguardem,pois esse jogo ta incrível!

English:Tomorrow Radioactive Asteroids Vertz will be released here at GameJolt, don't miss it by waiting!

PtBr:Amanhã Radioactive Asteroids Vertz será lançado aqui na GameJolt, não perca por esperar!

Provavelmente Radioactive Asteroids Vertz será lançado no dia 9 de junho, nesta quarta-feira, fiquem ligados, anotem em seus calendários, pois estou muito esperançoso de que o jogo será um grande sucesso!

Probably Radioactive Asteroids Vertz will be released on June 9th, this Wednesday, stay tuned, note in your calendars, because I'm very hopeful that the game will be a big success!

I called my dad to test my game, to see if it would be good or bad, he didn't even say if it was good or bad, but I already knew it was good, because of that!

While I was testing the game's music, I think I got a bit addicted, and got a huge score,
what does this prove? nothing! but i need to post something.