
Comments (42)

What do you think?

The stupid AD wont load and let me play it ;-;

So sad...

Very inspiring. Reminds me of an old movie. Very old school. I love the simplicity of the story and how it is emotional as you feel like a soldier away from home. I want all soldiers with their families now. Sadness. Sadness everywhere.

I think I got the gist of the game. I'd like to see some more games come from you though, as I think this was a good attempt. A video covering this game can be found here.

well, I think I got the good ending, not entirely sure. but anyway, god game none-the-less, but a little more on who the person was would be nice, the person we were playing as most of the time I mean.

Inspired by thirty flights of loving. Two and a half minutes of story in an first person genre.



*_I made a game, here it is, you should play it._*

*_Its only 2 and a half minutes long, so why not?_*

*_There is nothing to lose._*

*_You might enjoy it, or not… its really up to you._*

*_Have a good day!_*