
Comments (2)

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why is the link apk??? W H Y

This gamepage is basically a archive/collection of all of my recodes of FNAF fangames that were made in Clickteam by other FNAF fan game developers, Credits go to all of the people who made the original games

#fnaf #fangame #other

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed

Updated the other 2 recodes since I havent updated them in a while as well so yeah

The Story of Ripped Classic RECODED

- Changed gamepage links in the Also Check Out menu in the Extras

- Added names for the minigames in the Minigames menu in the Extras

Fixed the Play Cutscene button not working in Freddy's Revenge RECODED incase anyone just downloaded the update

Forgot to add it in and noticed while making the update note

Decided to update Freddy's Revenge RECODED and Freddy's is Back RECODED after months of not updating them since they were on their original gamepages

Imma do the same with The Story of Ripped Classic RECODED to add the new gamepage links and

The archive/collection for my recodes are back
This should be good for people who had a hard time finding them
Also when I make new ones whenever I get back to them soon they will also go in here as well