Game Community
Deadworld Studios
4 Members


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Game Soundtrack

1 song

The Sand Temple (modified)

This Game uses an Auto-login system, If you would like to get rewarded trophies for this game, please use Gamejolt Client.

You: A familiar face we have all seen before, Trapped for what seems like an eternity...

THEY come up to you... and make you remember. it. all.

*???*: "We have been in torment... all these years... Its all YOUR fault..."


*You*: "What do you expect out of me? After I lost them... i didnt know what to do... i had to.. i-"


*???*: "NO. You did it for your own amusment... did you forget what you said to us? dont worry.. we'll make you remember."


This game is HEAVILY inspired by TJOC :)


  • @GloopGloop

  • Creator

  • Mechanics

  • *???* VA


  • @xXechoXx39

  • Night Guard VA

  • Renders


  • @Wildwolfsbro

  • Lead Story Writer


  • @freddydude008

  • Phone Guy VA







Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Language

two words:

High Endo

I forgot to mention one BIG thing that inspired this game.

This game is heavily inspired by TJOC :D

So i might not be able to get the night 1 demo out as soon as i wanted :( (explanation in article)

I can not make cutscenes

Power was a NIGHTMARE TO CODE...

but i did it :)

Last (hopefully) animatronic for night 1 done!

there mechanics are TERRIFING

Longer dev log in the article

New animatronic finished! there mechanics are pretty terrifing :0

Not going to reveal who it is, but lets say hes a well known character

Night 1 Nearly completed(ish)! (also decently long dev-log article)

Whenever this game gets to 10 followers i will reveal the idea of what im going to do with this game. Basically ill tell you guys the concept of it :P

FOXY MECHANICS DONE! (semi spoiler in article!)