
Comments (1)

What do you think?

I played this game monthes ago, and it was really innovative, and overall, such a great game ! I really liked the time's limit (which is inspired by Majora's Mask) and all the possibilities we have (many ways to die or beat the game). Moreover, there's a lot of easter eggs ! GG to the entire team behind this underrated but awesome game !

Name Your Price

Return - English

Version: 1.0.0over 7 years ago
Name Your Price

Return - Français

Version: 1.0.0over 7 years ago

Return ( DEMO ) EN

Version: 1.0.0over 7 years ago

Return ( Demo ) FR

Version: 1.0.0over 7 years ago

English - The world is on the verge of destruction. A thing called Dio is gonna destroy the leftover of the world, when Subaru, Orochimaru and Hiyori are brought in this world to save it. But they are defeated. But just when they were going to be killed, they are transported three days in the past, the exact time that they will have to prevent the end of the world.

The game is played on three days for one minute in the game equals to one real second, and the ways of winning or losing are multiple ! It's better to see and experience them by yourself, don't you think ? Let's see if you can beat Dio !

There is multiple endings, and others will be added soon.

Comment and give your opinion below !

Français - Le monde est au bord de la destruction. Un ĂȘtre nommĂ© Dio est sur le point de dĂ©truire le peu qu'il reste, quand Subaru, Orochimaru et Hiyori sont amenĂ©s dans ce monde pour le sauver. Malheureusement, ils sont battus. Alors qu'ils allaient prendre le coup de grĂące, ils sont ramenĂ©s trois jours dans le passĂ©, temps qu'ils auront pour empĂȘcher la fin du monde.

Le jeu se fait sur trois jours pour une minute dans le jeu Ă©gale Ă  une seconde rĂ©elle, et les moyens de rĂ©ussir comme d'Ă©chouer ne manquent pas ! Le reste, il vaut mieux le dĂ©couvrir par soi-mĂȘme, vous ne pensez pas ? Voyons si vous ĂȘtes de taille face Ă  Dio !

Plusieurs fins possibles, et d'autres seront ajoutées bientÎt.

Commentez et laissez votre avis en-dessous !

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Language
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