
Comments (143)

What do you think?

The thing that creeps me out about this game is that the guy you meet kind of looks like my dad.

Wow, the concept of this game is awesome! Very different for a horror game and I like it!
Hope to see more of it for sure! : D

My let's play of it;

And the only thing bad with the game, is my PC. So its on my end, things get a bit fucked up sadly. OTL


The unending tension in this game is fantastic. Just reading those two instructional screens made me nervous and set the mood well (thanks to fantastic sound, and the up front information of knowing you'll inevitably be attacked). Speaking of sound, the voice of the strangers is executed thoroughly well: The surround sound took me completely off guard and the booming presence of it was demanding and unnervingly clear, bringing home that whole creepy vibe. Seriously, that was my favorite subtle aspect of the game. :D

It's format/idea is akin to Five Nights At Freddy's, but I hope you don't get too caught up in that as a source of inspiration, because as the concept demo is now, it's a great and unique mechanic. Any sort of countdown to inevitable doom is great for stirring up one's fight or flight response. Now, the ONLY thing that I could recommend is ... hmm, something "more" on the attack. It definitely jolted me, but repeat play is going to get old very quickly with nothing essentially happening besides getting yelled at with loud scurreh noises. I don't know if it's on your radar to possibly present the attack as a sort of mini game of some kind, where success allows you to escape the vehicle (and count towards your max fleeing instances)? I dunno, just brainstorming.

Anyway, I hope you take this somewhere, and keep working on this. Randomized strangers? Different events? I don't know what your plans are in continuing this, but I do hope that you do, because it has a tremendous amount of potential.

Insert obligatory Let's Play video here:

Greetings Ladies and Gents! I Have to begin by saying, this game is an original master piece if I do say so myself. That creepy priest had me creeped out the entire drive and all I wanted to do was to walk the entire way there, even though that was not at all possible...but as amazing as this game was, the repetitiveness of the priest and the questions did get a little old after awhile. My only contribution would be to possible have other creepers who pick up our poor protagonist during her hitchhike? Just a suggestion, either way I truly loved this game and do hope you continue working on your craft! I did, however, make my very own let's play for anyone who would like to give it a look see!

=< >= Thank you and Enjoy!

was the full game ever released?


Rides with Strangers Concept Demo

Version: 1.0.3over 8 years ago

Rides with Strangers delivers a truly unique video game experience that puts you in a terrifying and desperate position. Relying on the on the elements of classic horror films and games before it, Rides with Strangers forces you from your comfort zone and into a terrifying atmosphere that exists within the outside world. Just as in real life every car could be your chance to reach your destination, but the horror that exists inside will not come from creatures from another world, or from the imagination. They will come from within the very human people you will encounter.

Every Stranger who will welcome you into their car tonight has been meticulously constructed, from their design to their dialogue, to represent the link that exists outside of polite society. Will you be prepared to face them knowing that these horrors could very well exist within your real waking world? Will you be able to put down this game and return to your regular life, watching strangers pass, knowing this could happen to you? Whoever you end up sharing the ride with, remember to keep a careful, watchful eye. Remember, despite the small talk, that they are not your savior but a wolf in sheep’s skin.

Rides with Strangers began its ride of development with the mindset of bringing a truly original and uniquely terrifying experience. Testing the boundaries of what’s acceptable in polite society, Rides with Strangers pushes the envelope of its content and atmospheric environment. With this direction, the creation of each stranger, dialog and asset was carefully thought out and placed accordingly to amplify the eerie and creepy feeling of this game.

Playing the role of a hitch hiker brings the element of realism into the experience. Knowing that this can happen in real life, we focused our character development to represent strangers you could actually meet. We didn’t want our scares to come from monsters or paranormal entities, but from the sick and twisted individuals roaming the world today

Sexual Violence
Sexual Themes
Strong Language
Crass Humor
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