Comments (6)
Neat idea, though I sucked at it. You should add some images to this game page. I included it in my GDC Jam compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look :)

Haha fun little game to fly around in. Some obstacles to try to fly through or deadly things to avoid would be tons of fun. Played, voted, livestreamed here! I also made a game in the jam, if you have time give "Moments from the Past" a play & vote!
Exciting. It's like 3D QWOP (with a jetpack!)
Very accurate simulation of an astronaut trying to use a broken jetpack. Could need some sound and/or music. And maybe a working jetpack... :)
It seems like it could be funny but I couldn't really see what there is to do. Adding some sound effects would make it hilarious :)