
Comments (13)

What do you think?

Fun game! Smooth and slick. Interesting puzzler. Nice combat mechanic Good work!

This game reminds me of those Facebook games...


I found a mistake word with captain said "anwyay" instead of "Anyway" and no I'm not lying! better check it!

Oh, I see. Gabranth from FF.

Your boat approaches the Assekrem’s dock after a long and tiresome voyage through the Sea of Seventh Island. You come here with a single goal in your mind: to become the best of Rune Warriors and thus to defeat the great Rune Master. However, the path is not an easy one. You’ll have to become stronger, getting your basic training in the Rune Warriors Guild from the great leader and veteran Gilbert himself as well as hunting nearby woods and gaining experience in those battles. Only then you can think of fighting your first enemies and claiming the throne that you desperately desire.

“A decent tactical match-three”
~Gamezebo review
“I played it from 9am to 12am without stopping.”

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