Comments (7)
Low res and also low gameplay. There's not much thing to do aside of killing zombies. There's no reason to jump at all since Ryona can kill zombies on ground
After so much trouble getting key, the castle is kinda disappointing
Really well made little game. I included it in part 4 of my Lowrez jam compilation video series, if you'd like to take a look :) http://youtu.be/B8UxiwDnpFY
Not too bad... I just don't like the small window and the thunder sounds being too loud, everything else is pretty nice :)
Ryona ZED-BITS is my entry for Deviever's LowRez Game Jam, thanks Deviever for doing this! The LowRez Jam requires a game created with the maximum screen resolution of 32x32 pixels, upscaling is ok for as long as the resolution is 32x32. For convenience I have zipped two versions with scaled resolutions, one is scaled by 4 and the other scaled by 10. There is also a non jam version zipped as well.
Ryona ZED-BITS is a remake of Ryona Zombits in a low resolution of 32x32. Kill zombies for coins, use coins to buy items. To buy items in the shop use your sword on the item you wish to buy. Coins max at 99. You can shoot sword beams at full health with any sword. You can also charge your sword by holding space for 5 seconds then releasing to fire a charged beam.
There is five trophies you can aquire! To sign into Game Jolt press the G key at the title screen. If you see a red dot on the bottom left hand side of the screen you are not signed in. If you see a green dot on the bottom left hand side of the screen you are signed in.
Read the controls and shop items below to learn more!
[W] - Jump
[A] - Walk Left
[D] - Walk Right
[Space] - Attack
[V] - Use Health Potion (once bought)
[G] - Login to GameJolt for Trophies (at title screen)
Shop items**:**
[Silver sword] - Does two damage.
[Gold Sword] - Does three damage, must buy silver sword first.
[Health potion] - Heals a heart, usable three times.
[Heart] - Heals one heart.
[Castle Key] - Allows entering the castle for a thanks for playing text.
Feel free to leave a comment, would love to know your thoughts!
Thanks for playing and happy lowrez slaying!