Comments (7)
i like this game. but the only problem is. there is not alot of content. and you get way to less try's and there should be an give up button or somthing. i think you need to get at least 2 try's per person. the one who needs to beat it and the one to build it need 2 life's. but if you fix that. this game. would be PERFECT. serious. sorry for bad english aim from belgium. but above all that. this game is very fun.
this game gets boring after a while, but if u add new things in the future this could become a great game!
Could easily turn into a cool party-game with the addition of more building tools.
Looks like a really cool concept. :)
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S W I T C H Downloadable Executable
The downloadable version of S W I T C H.
S W I T C H is a level creation game about screwing over your friends!
When the game boots up, the BUILDER will be able to build a level to challenge the PLAYER.
The BUILDER wins if they can make a level the PLAYER cannot beat.
The PLAYER wins if they beat the BUILDER's level.
Once the BUILDER is done building a level, the PLAYER will get one try to beat the stage.
If the PLAYER beats it, they score one point.
However, if the PLAYER fails to beat the stage, the BUILDER must play the level to prove it's possible.
If the BUILDER completes the stage, they score one point for making a hard level.
If the BUILDER fails, the PLAYER scores two points for dealing with an impossible level.
Pressing ENTER to play again in the RESULTS screen allows for points to be stacked.
This also swaps the PLAYER and BUILDER role.
Returning to the menu will erase all points.
We made this game in less than 24 hours for the Becker Game Jam.
The theme was "Experiment".
We made this game to allow people to experiment with level designs.
It was created by Yukon Wainczak (yukonw.com) & Chloe Tibets (tibets.info).
Update log:
Fixed a few color issues.
Removed PLAYER acceleration.
Nerfed PLAYER movement speed.
Buffed PLAYER jump height.
Saws are smaller.
Updated turret art.
Added particle effects to the turrets.
Turrets now have a laser sight.
Turrets now properly reset in-between turns.
Player does not die from going above, to the right, or to the left of the screen bounds.
The game now pauses between turns and provides the controls.
Refined player movement for a more floaty and less frantic experience.
Turn properly resets to PLAYER 1's when returning to main menu from the results screen.
New font.
Minor text fixes.
#multiplayer #leveleditor #action #fast #vs #competitive
Mild Fantasy Violence