
Sally.EXE - The Game

Version: 1.0.0about 11 years ago

Don't bother playing this - the original Sally.EXE creepypasta was a rip-off of this video, which pre-dated the creepypasta:

By extension, it means this game falls into that category. Not that I realised it until long after it was released. Hence, I don't support this title.

Nonetheless, I'm leaving the option to download available in case fans want it for whatever reason. Just don't expect any further updates - ever.

Folks, I am not working on this game for the foreseeable future.

I've moved on to bigger and better projects, and that's where my focus is. This game was never meant to be a serious project, and whilst I'm glad that it's had one Hell of a ride over the past few years, it's time for me to put my effort into more ambitious games that aren't just cheap jump-scare material.

For example, Shrouded - a new survival-horror RPG I'm working on, which you can find here:

Ready for Round 2?

Sally.EXE - The Game is finally here! Following the success of it's spiritual predecessor, the fanmade follow-up to the legendary Sonic.EXE creepypasta is now brought to life.

There's no stopping...'him'. 'It'. That...'thing'. Call it what you may, it won't matter.

Evil is coming. It's little game is far from over.

And you're next.

A word from the developer~

Now, just like the original - this game was made with the hardware limitations of the Sega Genesis and the content of the original creepypasta in mind. Therefore, it is not a full representation of my programming ability - remember that. Another note is that there are some areas of the game that are not 100% accurate to the creepypasta, and for good reason: the stages and events outlined in the original story are, simply; too short. Therefore, some little alterations had to be added to make the story viable as a game. Future updates will bring more content, too.


IF I've forgotten someone here, directly message me about it and I'll add them. Nothing is 'sToLeN' - the game is entirely non-profit and I've done my best to credit all assets used, but like I said - if someone should be here, and isn't, directly message me and I'll correct it. This game is 10 years old, people don't particularly care anymore, so don't be a salty asshat in the comments. Shrouded, at the very least, is an original IP with assets developed specficially for that game and/or created by myself. Happy?

Sonic the Hedgehog, the Sonic the Hedgehog logo and all related characters and content are copyright of Sega/Sonic Team.

Sonic.EXE Creepypasta created by JC the Hyena.
"KINDANDFAIR" and "__Act 9" tracks composed by Kyu. S
Artwork featured in Gamejolt banner by liam-the-hedgehog.
Amy Rose sprites by FRAG.
Cream the Rabbit sprites by D. Burraki.
Sally Acorn sprites by Damien.
Character Pixel Artwork by WaterRush94.
Gamejolt Thumbnail by Vapor the Fox.
Cast falling sprites by Night Silver Chelly.

Any one else I happened to forget to mention! (Just throw me a PM and I'll sort it.)

Game created by MY5TCrimson. Sonic the Hedgehog is the property of SEGA Enterprises, and I do not claim ownership of the intellectual property. NO INFRINGEMENT OF COPYRIGHT IS INTENDED.

Intense Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore

Version 1 Launched!