
Comments (23)

What do you think?

how you can make the C++ games to flash? D: is possible with Java?

Awesome game! :)

Yeah, super adorable, needs moar levels! :D

I like the idea, when I first came to the page I thought it would be like a 2D, plat former version of The Black Swan but with colors. It was a pretty cool little experiment.

Make more levels and I'll change my rating to 5 :P


A game #prototype developed at #HACKBMTH (January 2013) which uses an experimental C++ to Flash compilation tool known as Adobe FlasCC.

Colour in the level and release harmonising tones by touching all the platforms. This game concept will be explored further in the future.

For now, keep an eye out on Twitter for our debut release "Toast Time" -- the best thing since sliced bread.

Nothing has been posted to this project page yet. Check back later!