
Comments (13)

What do you think?

Wait what?! Classic Construct on 3d?!

Love the customization for the masks and such, the AI is pretty tough to beat though.

Please make a trailer, I do not waste storage on games I know nothing about.

Weird, but I like it.

Good game

An epic (but not really) martial arts tournament. You are an unnamed thumb, and you thumb wrestle other unnamed thumbs. It's a tournament to be the best opposable digit fighter in the world. Lots of over the top, exaggerated action for a pretty mundane activity like thumb wrestling. Oh, did i mention you can customize your thumb to your every whim? Well, pretty much anyway.

2 Player Versus mode supported!

Controls are Arrows and RIGHT shift.

P2 controls are WASD and R

Be sure to read the READ ME file in the .zip


Be sure to vote for it in the "A Game By Its Cover" Compo at if you enjoyed it :D voting poll thread**

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