
Comments (1)

What do you think?

Looks really good so far :)


Dear residents of Perception,

Child Safety Advisory: We urge you to be vigilant and ensure that your children do not stray too far from home or venture into the mountains alone. Recent incidents have highlighted the presence of potentially dangerous individuals who may pose harm to our community. Remind your children to exercise caution and be wary of seemingly harmless individuals who may have nefarious intentions. Let's work together to keep our children safe and secure.

Invasive Alien Species (IAS) Awareness: We kindly request your cooperation in preserving human livelihoods and biodiversity. Invasive alien species have been identified as a threat to our environment on a global scale. Please remain cautious and report any suspicious flora or fauna that could be detrimental to our local ecosystem. Together, we can protect our natural surroundings and ensure a sustainable future for Perception.

Stay informed, stay safe, and let's maintain the well-being of our community.

Thank you for your attention and cooperation.

Perception Residential Committee


Game Description - Immerse yourself in the haunting world of Perception, a once-vibrant town shrouded in darkness and despair. In this EarthBound-inspired horror game, you play as a courageous protagonist on a mission to confront the malevolent entities that have invaded the town. Prepare to navigate the desolate streets, face your deepest fears, and uncover the dark secrets that bind the town of Perception and its enigmatic invaders.

Story - To say the original story and gameplay of STRANGER DANGER were confusing is a huge understatement, and that is why this remaster will come with interesting changes that should be satisfying. Parts of the story have been improved, removed, and added to. This reboot gives me the perfect opportunity not only to learn more about game development but also to improve a project that was once a huge part of me. My goal with this project is to present the best version of STRANGER DANGER I possibly can.

Gameplay - The gameplay in STRANGER DANGER Remastered will definitely see some big changes. I plan for this game to be less ambitious, more coherent, and as bug-free as I can possibly make it with my time and patience.

Replayability - I would love to implement some level of replayability for STRANGER DANGER. This would mainly involve extra content to exist for players who want to go the extra mile. I have brainstormed possible collectibles such as different window styles, in-game trading cards, in-game stickers, in-game action figures, and possibly in-game comic book panels as originally planned in the original version of the game. There is the possibility to even implement a new endless mode. None of these ideas are final, and some may not make it into the game. It is still my goal to make STRANGER DANGER an enjoyable game that is well worth the download and even possibly money if I decide to do so or not; however, this is more of a passion project than it is a game for profit.

Design - Everything in this game will be designed, drawn, and composed from scratch by me (at least as of now). Because of this, it is entirely possible this reboot will never see the light of day though I really do hope it does.


#horror #action #rpg #adventure #survival #reboot #remake #psychologicalhorror #storyrich #pixelgraphics #indie #RPG #multipleendings #horror #2D #atmospheric #fantasy

Intense Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Comical Shenanigans

STRANGER DANGER - Update (11/17)

STRANGER DANGER - Update (07/28)

STRANGER DANGER - Update (06/28)