Comments (4)
cool good game https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fyUFPLTOgNs
Hi dude! Absolutely loved your game!
Senseless Bloodbath - Unfair FPSC Game
This game will kick your ass relentlessly and make you rage delete it
#horror #shooter #action #survival #fps
If you're looking for fun, you have come to the wrong place. Leave now. This game is not fun. It is relentless, chaotic, and unfair. It will kick your pansy ass all over the arena and piss on your corpse. You will not enjoy it. Don't even bother downloading it because you cannot handle it. And if you choose to ignore my warnings, I don't wanna see you crying like some bitch baby in the comments about how many times you got whooped. I already told you it isn't going to be fun. Now clench your cheeks and prepare for 3 hellish levels of pain and agony. Or run away like a wuss.
W, A, S, D - move
Mouse - look
Left Click - shoot
Right Click - zoom
Enter - open doors
Space - jump
Shift - sprint
Mouse Wheel - change weapons (some number keys will work too)
Feel free to post gameplay vids with your honest reactions and criticisms. Bash it if you want. Rage if you want. Hell, you can even cry in your vids if you absolutely have to.
Unzip/unrar the file and open the one titled Senseless Bloodbath. Easy peasy, dude.