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Description Coming Soon! ( P.S. ALL of the art ( used as header and thumbnail) WONT be final and will be changed within a day :) ) #platformer #shooter #action #adventure #other

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Crass Humor

Finally adding new scenery, UI, and art so everything looks better! It looked like it needed some polish, so I'm going to add some! Stay tuned for more constant updates!

Shapes N' Swords: ( Follow Here )

Thanks for reading!

- K-pup

For the 1st update, I'll start by adding new enemies! For example, 'Sploder, a bomb type enemy, will explode if you get to close to it, and if you kill it! But, it can also damage enemies, so it's kind of a glass cannon! It can even turn a battle around!

Started making a new platformer shooter with nice, animated 2D sprites, weapons, foods, towns, and more!

I'm really excited to start making this, since I'll be working on this for a LOOONNNG time, but ill post updates!

- More will be on the way! K-pup :)