
Comments (13)

What do you think?

This game deserves more attention.

Wonderful game, good luck!

underrated ❤

Looks Brilliant! High Hopes for this one

I Wonder what happens if you try to do a Pacifist run in this game. . .


Shattered Voice is currently being re-written entirely by @UniBrine and @HattinSS with the help @Rei_ !

Please be patient, it is gonna be an awesome adventure.

Shattered Voice is a Retro RPG game inspired by Earthbound and Undertale based on the idea of a noninfinite multiverse and that nothing is without consequences.
Retro look mixed with modern gameplay and technology

The project firstly started in 2018 under the name "Invisaviors" then after many cancels and reboots, finally has a successful attempt that doesn't show any sign of progress stopping.

From the imagination and led by @UniBrine !


The game features modern gameplay, but also animations, in that list, contains 8-directionals movements, funny animations of people falling after trying to wear a boot, cinematics...

Divided into multiple parts, the story features exciting and calm characters in various environments and challenges. Exploring different worlds, meeting friends, and finally reach your goal.

- Not much info about the game can be given right now as the game is still in work.


The game is in its prototyping phase. Containing all basics of the game. After that we'll focus on the content of the Demo and try to create a campaign to make the full game. Hope you'll be there to support us!

New Devlog soon hopefully.


Game Director: UniBrine
Writers: UniBrine, Rei the goat

Promo Artists: UniBrine, Fractal12, ronin20181, Alaiz, Neto, Hattin
Concept Artists: UniBrine, Neto, Fractal12, ronin20181, Jyire/Moigam,
Storyboard Artist: Alvarykoke108
Pixel Artists: Benichi, ronin20181, Pixel-icon15, UnknownOuter
Musicians: Ami, Christoff The Game Guy, TJricepaper, Evelyn xdd

Supporters, Helpers, Cameos: Mrky, Dallin (DHeusta), Xyon (Xygital), Madbrine, GlitchBork, Strunter, Infinity



#rpg #retro #adventure #scifi #puzzle #action

Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans
Simulated Gambling
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