
Comments (1)

What do you think?

Thats nice game :) but it need music and more effects that make the playing more addictive :)


Shield Breaker

Version: 1.1.0about 15 years ago

Shield Breaker is a unique twist on your average breakout game, were losing the ball is not the challange, but preventing self descructrion is.

The goal is to destroy all blocks on the screen. Blocks rely on percise collision detection, so their odd shapes factor into the rebound of the ball.

Your launcher is protected by a large shield, which decreases in life for every ball that hits it. Balls can be destroyed by other balls to prevent this.

Control is handled by moving the mouse, left button to shoot. Escape instantly exits, F1 brings up game info.

Things To Know

The score banner creation feature won't work online(pretty sure) but offline it should.

The game is fixed into fullscreen, but does not change resolution. It is fullscreen due to how the mouse is handled. You may experience problems in dual screen, specificly losing focus of the game by clicking outside of it which causes it to pause until game is reselected. Additionally, clicking too fast before losing can cause you to skip past the prompt for score naming.

This game is technically not entirely finished, getting to very high levels can cause slow-downs on slower computers. (30-40 tends to be the threshold for a netbook) However this is the final version of this...version.

This version is an original for a 64digits game competition in 2008. I'm currently reworking, fixing and adding more content to a future retail version.

More details on that version can be found here >

Comical Shenanigans

Shield Breaker 1.01