
Comments (31)

What do you think?

Maybe one day the creator of this game will grow up and realize that using such a provocative title wasn't the best idea.

Seriously, that's the title?

Managed to clear it by cheesing trough almost every level (just press down and keep shooting, there are only a few patterns that you need to avoid this way). The game sure is difficult, but limiting the players control by distorting the camera is a horrible way of adding difficulty when you need precise controls. Also the particles in the background can easily be mixed for bullets, especially in stage 3(?) where the bullets and the background particles are the same colour.

Why is the title of the game RAPE with a backwards R ? That is a bit strange...

Music is amazing, game is amazing :P Well done.


High action shooter! Pwn bosses in this fast paced game with insane patterns!

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