
Comments (6)

What do you think?

The game seems pretty cool. I like the graphics, but the controlls are hard tho.
Didn't play that much, I can't get through this game xD

I really like the graphical style a lot. Very nice.

Tom Russell, thanks for the clarifications and elaboration there. I apologize for my confusion and such.

*any game designer who is willing to take chances on something original and daring merits at least a "3" in my book.

Actually, no; I rated it as a "3".

I like the concept itself-- I actually like the concept quite a bit. I wasn't very good at it-- mouse-keyboard hybrids are always a little tricky, though I must admit I can't see any other way to really deliver on your game's high concept except such a hybrid-- and I wish I was able to push the asteroids a little further away with each punch. They just seemed to clump together and there was no way for me to really avoid them; I couldn't last more than ten or twenty seconds.

That could just be my low playing ability, I dunno. Maybe it should have been a 4.

Rest assured, though, that it's definitely no "1"-- any game designer w


Shuttle Fisticuffs

Version: 1.0.0over 15 years ago

You are an astronaut with a number of long-distance, remotely controlled, experimental ships that have been fitted with a prototype of a new precision kinetic manipulation technology, informally dubbed the *C*osmic Fisticuffs. You have been tasked with exploring deeply into the Kuiper Belt with these ships.

  • WASD for movement

  • Left and Right click to punch the asteroids

Live as long as you can with each probe.

Mild Realistic Violence
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