
Comments (40)

What do you think?

Good job, slightly different to the usual which I like.

YouTuber: Fellowplayer

Sent it to you already on twitter, but I guess I'll post my gameplay here as well :) Enjoyed the game a lot, even better than the Slenderman must die! and Let's kill Jeff the Killer! Keep on making such amazing games :)

Not that great of a game, too much time where nothing happens, ot atmosphere or tension.

I really wish there was a little bit more action to this game, not just walking around and discovering things. I barely had the chance to shoot at something. Nevertheless, it wasn't that bad.

Silent Insanity - Psychological Trauma or Silent Insanity P.T. is a Silent Hills P.T. fan made game.

Explore 17 levels of insanity and find out the truth!

Good luck.

Cartoon Violence
Animated Bloodshed
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