
Comments (23)

What do you think?

I'm sorry! XD I loved the game, even though I quit after 1 minute! I'm a scaredy-cat! But the game had good graphics and mechanics, and I like the idea of the peepholes and that it was in an apartment. :)

very fun to play for some time

:O heyo, i played your game !! it was the first one i've done in a while and i'm glad i did :V

FATAL ERROR in Vertex Shader compilation
ShaderName: BasicShader

D3DXCompile failed - result

at gml_Script_draw_quad

stack frame is
gml_Script_draw_quad (line 0)

Interesting game but is it never ending?
Let's Play:



Version: 1.0.1over 9 years ago

A #horror game made in 2 days for #asylumjam2015 where you are trapped in an apartment complex, with only the ability to spy through apartment door peepholes.

If you'd like, you can also vote for the game on the jam page here:

Keyboard/Mouse Controls

WASD = movement
Mouse = look
E = interact
Shift = hold to run
Escape = quit

Gamepad Controls

Left Stick = movement
Right Stick = look
A/B/X/Y = interact
Bumpers/Shoulders = hold to run

Please enjoy!
(and note that the game is a rather short experience currently! Excited to add more after the jam :) )

Known Issues

Peeper requires DirectX 9 to run. The DX9 redistributable installer is currently not shipped with the game. If the game gives you an error about shaders failing to compile, you may need to install DX9:

There are currently no other known issues -- please let me know if you run into anything!


1.01 (Bug Fix Patch)
+fixed rendering issue which caused the game not to run on certain integrated graphics cards
+fixed gamepad deadzone issue
+fixed issue where pressing 'e' would not always leave from looking through a peephole
+fixed issue where player would be facing directly up when the game started
+improved fog rendering
+improved player movement
+new logo

+initial game jam release

Mild Cartoon Violence
Animated Bloodshed

Peeper Bug Fix Patch 1.01 Released