Comments (7)
Nah, best christmas-theme game ever made
Suspense! Good game!
awesome game rly good
very good I like that!
Wow, this game is a masterpiece!!! I loved how you used christmas balls as grenades, candy cane as pistol, angels and helicopters as flying enemies etc. Btw I'm gonna get nightmares from the angels death screams, they were creepy! 5/5 for this awesome game! :D
Silent Night
You find yourself as Melf, the last survivour of Santas Workshop where everything has changed for the worse.
Instead of bringing presents for Christmas, Santa is bringing death.
It's time to battle through Santas Workshop, to take him down and put an end to this madness.
Collect gems to upgrade your weapon
Find the small secrets of Santa's Workshop
Battle against various enemy types, on land as well airbourne
Ovecome enemies as well as platformer challenges