
Comments (15)

What do you think?

is it have mod verion of this?


help me

I got back this glorious game from our childhood. This game is not originaly mine, I just recovered it because It was deleted both in the pc and mobile versions. This is a 3d 2nd person shooter that bases around deserts and cowboys and that stuff. #action #adventure #puzzle


  1. Download the rar file and decompress it with your decompresser of preference.

  2. In the folder, make sure to download all the certificates that there are.

  3. Install the file named: "Microsoft.VCLibs.110.00_11.0.51106.1_x64.appx".

  4. To install you have to select the file in the folder named: "GAMELOFTSA.Six-Guns_1.0.0.5_x64__0pp20fcewvvtj.appx" and then drag it to open it with the other file in the folder named: "WSAppPkgIns.exe". Then it should open a cmd window that downloads the game.

  5. Wait for the download to finish and then close it.

  6. Final thing to do, just open the "GAMELOFTSA.Six-Guns_1.0.0.5_x64__0pp20fcewvvtj.appx" file alone and you should be able to fully install from then.

If the instructions have issues let me know.

Minor Warning: Dont play the game if your pc storage is below 100 MB.

The game saves the progress in three files which get overwrited everytime you do something in the game. If you were to have 100, 50, 30, or straight up, 0 MB, the game wouldn't be able to overwrite those files properly which would cause you to loose your enitre progress + semi corrupt the game. Just wanted to point this out because it happened to me and it can be fatal.

Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Suggestive Themes
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