
Skill Enhancing 0.2
Skill Enhancing is platform game that is made with Game Maker 7.0 Pro. You advance from level to level through the level select screen in level sets, each set contains a different item/weapon and must complete every level from that set to unlock the next set. On the next set you will lose your previous item but gain a new one. Throughout the game there are something call Secret Bits, collect them and unlock secret unlockables, but you can still unlock unlockables by finishing specific levels. There are extras such as figurines. And in the next versions: bonus music, bonus levels, etc. But must of them you'll have to purchase them with the use of Secret Bits. This game also features a save and load system, to relief the stress of having to beat the game all over again than save it for future use. This is the first version of this game and I hope you enjoy the game very much! This game was inspired by the Zelda series. (I'm a huge fan of Zelda weapons.)