
Two Nights at 2013 Bud's Mansion 2
Warning:The game has the worst roster made for a 2013 bud game it's also a reskin
First Game:https://gamejolt.com/games/skywardswordgeinusFNAF/568098 (Yes my pal epic published it for me)
--- Plot ---
One month- no
ONE YEAR after Two nights in 2013 bud's mansion, 2013 bud was upset because He was very hungry. so, 2013 Bud decided to team up with cRoSh Bandicam and some of his friends from the previous mansion and black 2D man and a one antler deer to capture you and cook you for dinner.
Congrats to Bud (Aka TheNextGenius) for joining 10 years on youtube
Guest Boy (Me)-Main Dev and artist for fork,fork2
EpicGoE-Side Coder
TheNewOswaldMovie-Original TNaBM2
Bud-Main Inspiration
DC1 (100dcx)-Funny Hey there umbrella man
Nintendo-Main in SSBU
Activision-Madagascar for PS5
Sony-Funny Rapping Animal
Boblox-2013 bud's not the only one that's big
Nathan-is this bybai food
Pepsi-Today's Sponsor #fnaf #TheNextGenius #bud
There will be a third game (it's really big as of right now)