Comments (15)

goofy ah game
This Old
CorreosCould you bring it for android
es un juego muy nostalgico gracias al creador por guardar este juego y subirlo si no ubieramos perdido algo importante del juego y la saga
good thing you were able to copy the game before it was removed now i can play it and remember good times you are a pro
slendytubbies classics
Slendytubbies Aniversary Edition (PC VERSION)
#horror #multiplayer #survival #retro #slendytubbies
WARNING: This is just a REUPLOAD of the old games from Zeoworks, just to make them easy to find.
Move Up - ArrowUp / W
Move Down - ArrowDown / S
Move Left - ArrowLeft / A
Move Right - ArrowRight / D
Look around - Move Mouse
Sprint - Left shift Crouch - C
Switch Flashlight on/off - F / Right Mouse Button
Jump - Space
Map - M (Hold)
Hide/Show Cursor - G/H (Currently doesn't work online)
Toggle chat - T
Aniversary Edition
Move Up - ArrowUp / W
Move Down - ArrowDown / S
Move Left - ArrowLeft / A
Move Right - ArrowRight / D
Look around - Move Mouse
Jump - Space
Left/Right Crtl - Crouch
Left Mouse - flashlight
Left/Right shift - Run