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An adventurer wakes up in a coffin. He remembers his past. There was an empire, then a war, then nothing, but one fact lingers in his mind.

Humanity is dying.

An ancient force has reawoken from an ancient slumber, and sees humans as pests on an earth that was once his. You rise from your coffin, and a man greets you. He calls you to his inn, and explains everything.

The force is known as Lumon, the "benevolent creator of humanity". Humanity betrayed him eons ago, and he is disgusted by what his creation has become. After killing his brother, Necron, who had fought for humanity's new lifestyle, he proceded to raise an army of demons to kill humanity. He resolves that humanity should go down swinging, and the two of you decide to face Lumon, and slay him once more.

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Fantasy Violence
Comical Shenanigans

I'm Sorry

Slumber Combat BETA