
Comments (1)

What do you think?

Ok so a couple of notes. First off, it looks well animated and done.
But is there any chance to make single-player optional?
Secodnly, the onscreen interance with the above health bars can be a nusance, espically when you move up higher; it blocks the view of what you are actually doing where you are on screen.
Not sure if these are things you want to take a look at. But otherwise, good job on the whole. :)

Game Soundtrack

2 songs

An Atheist who wants to destroy all other rituals that could convert him. He wants to stop them all!. Game made for Global Game Jam 2016

Up to two players.

Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence

New game!

We made a new game for the GGJ 2016 !! Check it out now! :)