Comments (88)
Love it!!!!!!! Has anyone actually gotten past day 1 though?
Ok I must say that I like this game, well... the concept, The game its self is good, but to hard for any one, You see if you dont have the perfect amount of luck you will never make it past the first or even the second day, Cigs are hard to come by besides you desk holding 2 in plain sight and a few hidden ones, There are some around the office BUT GOOD LUCK FINDING MORE THAN 3 if theres even more than that, Theres to many random events that will roll on top of you and keep you down and away from work like a rock slide, Speaking of work its not fun, I know its replicating real life work but the problem is that its not fun, plus you need a calculator just to do 75% of it and one mistake can be you last since you get called up to the boss for one mistake, And he expects you right there right now, You have no time to get you bearing get a smoke and go, Its just NOW, And even then its very stressful, In these cut scenes like walking up to the boss or in the meeting room, YOUR PHONE CAN STILL GO OFF, Thats a big problem since you cant do any thing at all to relieve stress, Suggestions for these problems? One please stop bombarding the player with message after message on the phone, two please fix that problem with the cut scenes, three make work fun or at least not as dull or hard to the point of using a calculator IN REAL LIFE, four make the cost of screwing up work not that bad, maybe for every 2 or 3 mistakes you should go to the boss and even then give us time to at least get there, and five , we need more cigs , Thats all over all the games great, I dont want you to fix every problem i said, Why? Because I still want to not only see stress in the game but in real life, I still want to get to day 2 , but I dont want it to be a walk in a park, If your still reading this, Thanks anys ways
after i down load how do i play it?
Not bad but lags a lil'
HELP i cant walk so i cant smoke so i go into rage mode instantly
Smoking Simulator
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Ever get stressed at work? Life too much of a hassle? Well just puff up with this game and I guarantee you'll have a great time! Live out your wildest smoking dreams in
Smoking Simulator 2014!
Smoking Simulator tasks you with surviving a stressful day at work armed with only a handful of cigarettes.
Be prepared to deal with:
Annoying co-workers
Angry bosses
Whining house-wives
And a whole slew of other unforeseen events that would put anyone into a state of RAGE!
To cope with the stress, you will need to find cigarettes littered throughout the office and find the most opportune time to sneak a quick smoke break, while still managing your everyday work activities. Sound easy? Think again! This may end up being the hardest day of work you'll ever experience... that is... if you can actually make it through the entire day!
Check out: for more info!
Smoking causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, Complications During Pregnancy, and a whole Crap-Load of other Bad things! You don't even look that cool doing it! So why don't you take this tip from your friendly neighborhood game developers and stop smoking in real life.... just do it virtually!