Comments (12)
Lol I got soon XD
When Knuckles demo release Brooo,I missed you.
Hmmm...tbh this looks like soh
This game page could be great if you might look for helpers.
I had 20 lives, and ON TAILS ALONE, ran down to 8. Please, somebody explain WHY IS THERE SO MANY GOD DAMN SPIKES
Sonic.exe : Light and Darkness DEMO
"Z" Jump
"Down + Z" Spindash (Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Eggman)
"Z + Reapet Z" (Tails Fly)
"Look up + Z" (Sonic) Turbo
"Z + X" (Eggman) Jetpack
"Z + Z" (Knuckles) Glide
"Z" in Data Select screen.
Story? You can know the story in the game :)
-What is Sonic.exe Light and Darkness?
-It's a Sonic.exe game based in a sonic game (of course) The main protagonists are Tails, Knuckles and Eggman, but Light, is one of the main protagonist in the game, and the antagonist is Sonic.exe (Darkness) It is simply a game where the light and the dark are people with whom you can interact and talk.
-When the full version?
-That's something even me i don't know, i have a lot of stuff to do, so i can still working in the project, but. . . no like before.
The original idea by J.C. the Hyena
Game created by TD!Luixmi123
It's only the demo, don't worry i will do my best :)