Comments (4)
I am in the process as I type this of moving the files and code over to a Native Platform. This way you can Download it and play it like you would a game from your desktop.
It should be done in a few days.
Is F11 not turning on Full Screen for you? And what Internet Explorer are you using?
It looks cool, but Is there is different distribution of the game, or a different site? It's too big to fit on my screen, and it won't let me make it fullscreen. And when I press space, it scrolls the whole page down!
Space Slide(Browser Window)
Space Slide is a game made to bring back fond memories of some of our young childhood gaming experiences. Made as a throwback to games like Galaga and Asteroids.
100 Levels
10 Bosses
Completely Hand Drawn
Give it a shot. Let us know what you think.
And of course, Have Fun and enjoy!