
Comments (2)

What do you think?

Hi there! I'm the one from GameTree will leave the feedback and personal opinion here, just keep that in mind, you do your game the way you like it ;) And perhaps some of this are already on your mind since it is in develop.

  • The controls are a little bit weird.

    • If it is a 2D game it doesn't have too much sense that you can rotate towards the camera since there shouldn't be any enemies there.

    • Also only shooting the way you are facing and without a way to shoot and move forward/backwards limits too much the maneuverability in my opnionion. Perhaps a 'lock' key that doesn't rotate the ship to the other side if you move?

  • I think the bullets doesn't destroy until hits something, that can be exploited if you know where a enemy is off-screen.

  • A faster way to pick the desired weapon, like the usual number keys or a more complex wheel.

  • Don't know how the enemies go for the player, I think is a proximity sensor?, but they should activate and attack when they are hit.

And I think that's all, for sure it have some good things, this type of game on a maze isn't too typical like the lateral scrolling ones, and can add some interesting mechanics. And I had fun with the 'drop' weapon triying to hit them, or making they hit themselves lol

Good luck on the development!

Sidescroller game which you play as a rocket navigating across space

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Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence



First Level