
Comments (7)

What do you think?

Ooh! Really cool visuals. Unique gameplay. I like this.

Super challenging game. Wish there was a way to restart. I included it in part 17 of my Indies vs Gamers compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :)


Nice game a lot of fun, too me a while to get use to it. I got a high score but logging wasn't working to record my score :(

This is a physics based arcade game where the goal is to get the as high as possible, without being devoured by the continually rising lava. The game gets harder the higher up you get.

Left or A - Move left
Right or D - Move right
Down or S - Dash down
Escape - Menu
F1 - Fullscreen/windowed
F2 - Mute/unmute sounds.



Update 1.2.1

Login and highscores should now be fixed.

Update 1.2

Update 1.1

Initial Release!

The game can now be dowloaded for Windows users. Just unzip it and play!