
Comments (5)

What do you think?

hi it look nice but it not working on windows 32bit hop you cam make it work

hey this isn't working

The trailer gives me huge QUBE vibes.
Sadly, I can't play it, since you said that it wasn't suitable for running on a laptop in the trailer comment section.

this came is incredible! i love it!

Game Soundtrack

7 songs

STARS is a first Person Puzzle Game set in a steril environment. You don´t know how you got there and it´s your task to find out what happend.

STARS is my first "Big" Game and I hope that you enjoy playing it.

Feel Free to Let´s Play the Game if you want, to help it get some more attention.

Check out boom_d on Soundcloud, who did the awesome Soundtrack for the game:

Check out my Youtube Channel where I post Dev-Logs and other Games I made.

Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed

LINUX Version Available

After a long time I could now add a linux version.

Linux Users enjoy!

Mac version is coming soon.