
Comments (1)

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I accidentely put the harder version of this game as the default download my fault, tomorrow i'll give yall the easier version aka the original

You Are A Little Kid In A Room, It's NightTime, And There's Monster In Your Room, Obviously Your Parents Don't Believe You And Leave You In Your Room Alone, Your Goal Is To Try To Survive Until 6:00 am (sounds familiar?), Use The Arrow Keys To Move And The Space Bar To Use Your FlashLight, But Be Careful, Your Light Have Limited Battery Life (and believe me, you need the flashlight).

How to avoid different monsters:

Main Creation: Appears At The Left Door, Flash Him As Soon As You See Him.

Child Detector: Appears At The Right Door, Flash Him As Soon As You See Him.

Behind The Bed: This One Explains Itself Basically, Just Flash Your Light At Him.

Her: She's The Only Reason There's A Box In Your Room, Flash Your Light At The Box To Increase The Number, Don't Let It Get To 0, Just Don't. (now you see why you need the flashlight?)

There's 2 hard mode exclusive monsters but i'll let you figure them out ;)

also before you say it This is my first game, expect it to be bad, i'm trying to learn to use game maker studio 2 but i just have to use scratch like a peasent, i promise when i get good with gamemaker studio i will make a better version of this game, I PROMISE, also 0.1.0 is the easier verison of the game while 0.1.1 (this version) is the much harder version, its almost the same game.

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