
Comments (49)

What do you think?

I beat the entire game in a minute, make it harder smhmh

Good luck beating hard mode :)

kill yoursef you ugli nob

Absolutely epic! An honor to be apart of the Stickmin lore!

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

Well done @Frogger25 for beating the games biggest challenge, True Mayhem Hard Mode, and one of the hardest max modes out there!!! Go show him some love!

Five Nights at Stickman's Paperhouse | True Mayhem Hard Mode - World's First
This mode was a lot tougher and stressful than I anticipated it being. Despite my hatred towards Swagman, this was still an enjoyable experienceTry out the g...

Congrats to Vindicator_Games for his True Mayhem completion!

True Mayhem done

Who will be the first to beat True Mayhem on Hard Mode?

Hard Mode update is now out!

Patch notes for this version.

Mouse never turns into the normal mouse if you go too far down or right.

Build doesn't start with a complete save.

Swagman's hat doesn't have a transparent logo.

StickYellows jumpscare is layered correctly.

At last, all the big bugs should be fixed.

Reverting to an old build until we solve the issue. Your saves will still be on this build. BUT if you downloaded a build that had a messed up save go to appdata and remove your stickman files.

Weird bug with the exporter for the game where clicking assets only work if you are in windowed while they load in, due to this we will have to wait for it to be fixed to post any new builds.

Working build may be posted within an hour, don't get your hopes up though.

This build will fix the cursor and saving completely. (Sadly, you will lose your current save data)